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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Bubble Bath Ritual

For the past week Ashland, KY has been snowed in; leaving all schools in our area closed. Giving me loads of free time while being cooped up in the house. So for the last week I've lived a no makeup, natural hair, all day PJ's, Netflix enthusiast kind of lifestyle. But after sitting in one place, and doing a whole bunch of nothing gets boring, I take on something actually productive: a bubble bath. 

First off, I run about half a bath full of steaming-hot, hot tub type of water. After I get in the tub, I'll pop in a bath bomb, this time I used Butter Bear by LUSH. And once the fizz has completely dissolved into creamy heaven, I'll add a few dollops of The Body Shop's Honey Bubble Melt. When I get in the bath, my makeups normally off so I just go ahead with an Aveeno Positively Radiant Cleansing Pad. These pads are great for the bath because they're easy but effective to help you feel clean. To channel my inner tween I used one of those generic face mask packets from Walmart; the one I just used was a coconut moisturizing mask. After letting my mask harden and rinsing it off I'm done with my bath. As soon as I get out of the tub I'll moisturizer with some sort of lotion, I'm currently using Forever Midnight Lotion by Bath and Body Works. I'm not one of those people who wash their hair in the bath tub, it's just gross to me. So I'll just put my head over the edge of the tub and wash it under the faucet. After shampooing & conditioning I'll put in some sort of leave-in spray; I'm running out of my That's a 10 spray so I used Tresemme Keratin Smooth Serum. Honestly I've found that it can be super heavy on the ends of my hair but with a light hand it's not too bad. 

But that's it! Pretty simple and straight forward but it's a system that seems to work well for me. Comment with your bath time favorites! 

Sincerely, Erin 


  1. love love honeymania range from the body shop!
    following you on bloglovin', hope you'll look for me too. see you around!

    a possible fantasy

    1. They smell so simple and warm! I'll be sure to check you out. Thank you!
